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Dream Team on Expert Village


Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Harmony, Addictions, Decision-Making, Clarity? 

One Technique Solves It All!!! JUST SAY HU...


The HU not only alleviates the symptoms...
it addresses the cause

The HU Technique is simple and uses Sound.

It's called HU (hue) and goes like this---HUUUUUUU.

The HU is a universal tool that provides relief 100% of the time.

It can be used for anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, centering, clarity, decision-making, harmony, and overall well-being.

Technique That Guarantees Success 


-Exhale while saying HU (hue) like HUUUUUU (silently or aloud) eyes open or closed


Do this for 1-20 minutes daily and you will feel better in no time…


Stress, Anxiety, Sleepless Nights?

Sound is the Simple Solution!

Just Say HU


It’s Simply a Matter of Physics.

The HU retunes your central-nervous-system just like tuning a piano. Quantum physics states that everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency, known as a quantum signature. The HU alters that frequency. When we HU, we harmonize our atoms. This releases us from the negative vibrations such as fear, anger, sadness, depression or tension.

In addition, our electro-magnetic field (aura) protects us against negative emotional attacks. So when we HU, we stay positive while creating good vibes. When we are negative we attract negativity. The HU frequency adjustment protects us from negativity and radiates outwardly creating peace and harmony. In this way, we control the vibe within ourselves and this insulates us from negativity in our surrounding environment. Use the HU for protection against emotional contagion and keep yourself in a state of joy, love and serenity. It is said that the Universe is a "mirror," it reflects back exactly what we put out! This explains the phenomenon that when we feel great on certain days, the whole world smiles back at us. It's no wonder - they are simply responding to the frequency of joy and happiness!


1-Step Therapy - Just Say HU - HU Therapy

The HU is the Dream Teams favorite technique for all that ails you. We incorporate the HU technique into our therapy and share it every chance we get.

Remember, JUST SAY HU…



1-Step Therapy...

            Just Say HU Book

​This book provides you with

1-Step Therapy...
1 Magic Word...The Universal Panacea for All that Ails You. Just Say HU.



E! "The SOUP
"HU Tattoo"  103rd Episode Blowout

So crazy even The Soup can't resist.


1-Step Therapy... Just Say HU


"JUST SAY HU" on Television

"HU Tattoo"  Episode 44 - Symbolic Ink

Dream Team get matching HU Tattoos to promote their best technique "Just Say HU" a mystical sound that even Twig & Dizzle can't resist making. ​



Featured On   


Historically Speaking

The HU has been used for thousands of years by various cultures and religious groups as a means to have greater conscious contact with God. HU is an ancient name for God. The Oxford English Dictionary states that the word "God" can be derived from the Sanskrit word "HU." The Egyptian and Greek traditions of 5000 years ago talk about the word HU as a reference to God. Sufi Mystic Saints of Tibet, Druidism and Kabbalah talk about the word HU as the originating sound of the universe. In modern times, ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, uses HU as a form of contemplation and non-directed prayer to align with the will of the Holy Spirit (the ECK).



Featured on E! Entertainment - Chelsea Lately
"HUuuu...Well, I'm working with 2 Life-Coaches...They taught me to HU and help me deal with certain things that come my way." The HU is for, if you have to answer a difficult question or something you don't want to deal with in your life...It can help you relax and release your mind."
-"New York" of "I Love New York"

Featured on A&E Network - INKED
"Everyone in the shop started doing it. Twig and everybody. It was kind of relaxing. It helped me do the Tattoos. They were fun and they actually made the shop a little brighter while they were HUing and I enjoyed myself." -Jesse, TV Show Personality, Tattoo Artist

Featured on A&E Network - INKED
"HUUUUU...It's like the Supreme's plus one. I like people who don't really care what other people think and those people definately didn't care. They were really, really wild." -Twig, TV Show Personality, Tattoo Artist

"I've been on my spiritual path for about 10 years and just recently been drawn to doing voice toning. I've been doing the "A" "E" "I" "O" "U" and "OM" and "Ahh." But...I was amazed with the results I personally received from saying "HU". I have been stressed in so many areas of my life recently and just by using your "HU" method.. I'm feeling like I'm "high" on a "drug". My whole being is vibrating and I'm calm and peaceful... It dramatically impacted me in such a short time....I feel this needs to be shared with the whole world....its such a simple but powerful technique for relieving stress,etc." -HollyMarie, MI

"Dear Nicole & Michael,
Thank you for putting info about HU on YouTube I use HU now for more then 4 years and it saved my life; but I have a kind of dilemma,sometimes when I feel down I can't get HU over my lips- I've had very positive & even ecstatic experiences with HU- I really made Contact-With-HU! several times but I only feel the HU-vibration when I chant it out-loud and never when I think of HU inwardly without saying it-only recently when I'm lying in bed I focused my attention on HU & then finally a blue light come hitting on my Ajnashakra (third eye)- I like that but I still have a dilemma that I loose attention and connection with HU! I want HU to be more powerful then my problems/issues and health complaints I want HU to be Victorious in my life-so that I can Truly Say I am in contact with HU and therefore I am Always Happy & Blessed!" -AH

"Sure enough it works!!!! I HU myself to sleep. Do it in the middle of the night too...When I'm not tuned into to "Coast"!!! I am 60 years old! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!"  -DJ FROM MICH

Hey! I listened to you guys last night on Coast to Coast with George. I was like the guy who called in and could not remember any of my dreams for FORTY YEARS! I Hu'd last night as you suggested to the caller and I remembered my dream.....I can't belive it was so easy! I'm so glad I could remember it!! Cool. Thank you!" -Terry from Kansas City!

“Thank you Dream Dudes! I feel so much calmer. Things are changing for the positive :)”
- Evita Melikyan, LA

"Just wanted to give you a update. God is good, along with family and my total inner strength and will to quit I have made it to day number 8 with no problems. I have prayed hard and been very sincere about not smoking and followed the HU technique thru a few stressful moments at work but to my surprise this has been easier this go round than anticipated.  I just want to take the time to thank you for your guidance because it is well appreciated. -DaBoss, Austin, TX

“Still HUing my lil heart away but the sensation for me to want to smoke is gone it doesn't even bother me but the smell of it does now how funny is that." -DaBoss, Austin, TX

"The HU feels like coming home...Thank you!!!"
-T.W., New York   

"It's as if the HU cleanes our Soul" -Nick, "The Night Before with Nick Margerrison" Kerrang Radio

"The HU is like a Homing Device" -Rob McConnell, Host & Executive Producer of The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

“Before The Dream Dudes, I was saying, "Huh?"  Now, I'm saying, "Huuuuuu"!  And you will, too, when you learn to trust yourself, go within and listen closely to your own instincts.  Listen to what Nicole & Michael have to say about dream interpretation, then listen to your inner voice, which has been trying to tell you something important - all of your life.” –Kat, Bad Kat Productions 

"Even when the baby is crying and screaming, if I HU to her she stops and starts giggling and HU's back." -S.L., Michigan

"When I got locked up I had a bad Vicodin habit, the HU was the only thing that got me through so I could sleep and try to relax until I got released." -J.C., Michigan

“Thanks AGAIN for the gift of HU...I can't tell you how grateful I am! I hadn't gotten more than 3 hours of sleep a night since Tyler was born a month ago and I was just exhausted and starting to lose it, and after the HU got me and Tyler through that episode, I started HU-ing regularly, and I have actually gotten sound sleep ever since! Granted, it's only been a couple days since I learned HU, but it already saved me and the baby Friday night and has gotten me more sleep than I've gotten in a month! No words can express my gratitude! It's like you gave me GOLD! I feel SO much better since I've been able to sleep! And the baby is showing a night and day improvement as well! Thanks again! You're a life-saver!” -Natalie

"When I HU it's as though something has been lifted off my shoulders." -Diamond N., MI

"Now that I HU before bed, when I wake up, the Xanax is still on the nightstand, the ashtray is still empty and the Diet Coke is still unopened." -K.D. Mich

"Saying HU Really Worked when I was getting off the Methadone, it eased the cravings!!Thank you!!!" -S., MI

"When my son was 4 weeks old he would wake up at 1:00 in the morning and scream for one straight hour.  We tried everything- checked his diaper, tried feeding him, made sure he wasn't cold and burped him.  Nothing seemed to work.  I had shared with my husband months before about finding your center with "HU". My husband started doing HU with the baby and it worked!!” - Cindy Grohman, LA, CA

"HUing has helped me get over that obsessive, oppressive, urgent, seemingly hopeless drive to kill myself, and see other options, and indeed be a bit more optimistic about the future." -W.A.

"Thanks very much!!!! The HU sure is calming me down and I sure am happier!!" -Shawn Neal

"I have been laden with anxiety so I have been HUing big time. It's been such a Blessing. Thank you!!! -Amy L. MI

"One day David was sitting in his chair watching TV.  He did not have his oxygen on at the time.  He tested his oxygen level using an oxyimeter.  His oxygen level was down between 82-84.  Normal is 94-100.David began using "the HU" technique and within 2-3 minutes his oxygen level was up to 95.  The HU really worked for him.  I told him now you don't have to panic if you are out and you don't have your oxygen tank with you and you feel your oxygen level is going down.  All you have to do is HU!!!   Praise the Lord!!!"  -Susan A., El Paso, TX

"David is still HUing and is doing great. We both HU and it really helps to make us feel better. Think of you often." -Susan A., El Paso, TX

"The HU cured my insomnia, and allowed me to sleep through the night for the first time in as long as I remember." - Joel Calzada, California

"I was having a full-blown panic attack and the HU literally saved my life." -Lisa, Austin,TX

"Now that I HU every night, I'm not doing as much Heroin." -K.G., Michigan

"Thanks to the HU---My golf game has hit a new level of excellence! It helps me to focus and stay in the zone. Before I tee off, I always say HUuuuuuu ---Thanks so much Dream Dudes---You guys rock!"
-Jason Buttress - 0 Handicapp Golfer, Phoenix, AZ

"Amazing things are happening since I started HUing.
I finally remembered a dream and it has been 6 months, my anger has greatly diminished, and my dog is much more harmonious when we go for our evening walks. HUing is an amazing thing!!!Thanks!!!" 
-Valentina, CA

"You would love to hear that I have incorporated the HU into my yoga workouts!  It really has improved my workouts! Thanks so much!"
-Maria G. Meleandez

"My Boyfriend commented that I was soooo much more calm and easy to get along with. He said I'd stopped snapping at him. I told him it was the HU and he was amazed." - EM, CA

"I HU before I make a phone call and I can feel the difference and so can the person I am calling. They say to me - "What have you been smoking? Can I get some?" -Dr. Pat Baccili, The Dr. Pat Show

"I was driving to work and I had a strong craving for Starbucks (I'm trying to kick the habit) So I started HUing for relief. By the time I got Starbucks the craving had passed and I drove right by. Thank HU!" -Yesenia Villa, L.A., CA

“Ok the HU-ing is great. My whole family has been using it and it works. I have been using it to sleep. Wow... Great show!” –Listener, Santa Barbara, CA

"Love the book (Just Say HU). Thank you. The history chapter was really awesome." -Lisa, TX

"The HU is great for me! I HU from time to time. I have noticed that when I feel a headache coming on I HU to reduce it. Sometimes I HU while on my walks. And sometimes I HU in bed to promote a deeper sleep. Live, Love, and Laugh" -Marisol, L.A., CA